Approach of the simoom Desert of Gizeh illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseUpper part represents the Eagle illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823) from… Image from public domain licenseDancing girls at Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseCopied paintings from the tombs of Nevoethph and Menothph from Monuments de l'égypte et de la Nubie (1835–1845) by Jean… Image from public domain licenseGreat speos: Continuation and end of the second [fourth] painting from Monuments de l'égypte et de la Nubie (1835–1845) by… Image from public domain licenseTableau of Figures, large as life, in the Tomb of Psammuthis illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni… Image from public domain licenseTableau supposed to represent the Goddess Isis illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni… Image from public domain licenseZodiak from the tomb of Psammis in Thebes illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778… Image from public domain licenseIn the slave market at Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseSanctuary of the Temple of Aboo Simbel Nubia illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public… Image from public domain licenseThe Great Sphinx Pyramids of Gezeeh illustration bby David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licensePlate 15 : The Apis Bull by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823) from Plates illustrative of the researches and operations… Image from public domain licenseMode in which the young Memnon's head, (now in the British Museum,) was removed illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes… Image from public domain licenseRuins of Ombos illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823) from Plates illustrative… Image from public domain licenseAnimals copied from the original paintings from Monuments de l'égypte et de la Nubie (1835–1845) by Jean François… Image from public domain licenseTropical Plants illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823) from Plates… Image from public domain licenseVarious species of birds represented in the hunts. Most are distinguished by their ancient names written in hieroglyphs from… Image from public domain licenseGrand Portico of the Temple of Philae Nubia illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public… Image from public domain licenseHager Selsilis (Gebel el Silsila) illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseLooking west in Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseThe Great Sphinx Pyramids of Gizeh (Giza) illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public… Image from public domain licenseGreat Hall at Karnak temple in Thebes illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseTableau representing the two Niches illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823)… Image from public domain licenseMosque of Sultan Hassan from the Great Square of the Rumeyleh illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The… Image from public domain licensePhilae illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseInterior of the mosque of the Metwalys (Metwalis) illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York… Image from public domain licenseAlexandria illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by… Image from public domain licenseCopied paintings from the tombs of Nevoethph and Menothph from Monuments de l'égypte et de la Nubie (1835–1845) by Jean… Image from public domain licenseCopied paintings from the tombs of Nevoethph and Menothph from Monuments de l'égypte et de la Nubie (1835–1845) by Jean… Image from public domain licenseThe letter writer in Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseEmblematic Figures illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823) from Plates… Image from public domain licenseThe holy tree of Metereah illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseInterview with The Viceroy of Egypt at His palace at Alexandria illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The… Image from public domain licenseCopied paintings in one of the tombs from Monuments de l'égypte et de la Nubie (1835–1845) by Jean François Champollion… Image from public domain licenseView on the Nile ferry to Gizeh illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseThe gate of Citzenib looking towards the desert of Suez Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The… Image from public domain licenseillustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseExterior View of the Temple of Ybsambul illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823)… Image from public domain licenseView of the interior of the temple in the Isle of Philoe illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista… Image from public domain licensePlate 13 : Sacrifice of the Bull by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823) from Plates illustrative of the researches and… Image from public domain licenseGeneral view of Esouan and the Island of Elephantine illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York… Image from public domain licensePaintings copied from the tomb of Ramses IV (Maimonides) from Monuments de l'égypte et de la Nubie (1835–1845) by Jean… Image from public domain licensePyramids of Geezeh (Giza) illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseThe Great Temple of Aboo Simble Nubia illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseThe hypaethral temple at Philae called the Bed of Pharaoh illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New… Image from public domain licenseInterior of the Temple of Aboo Simbel Nubia illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public… Image from public domain licenseInterior of the mosque of the Sultan the Ghoree illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public… Image from public domain licenseFront elevation of the Great Temple of Aboosimble Nubia illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New… Image from public domain licenseGreat species of Abochek (Nubia) from Histoire de l'art égyptien (1878) by émile Prisse d'Avennes. Original from The New… Image from public domain licenseTombs of the Caliphs Cairo Mosque of Ayed Bey illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public… Image from public domain licenseNubian women at Kortie on the Nile illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseThe Citadel of Cairo residence of Mehemet Ali illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public… Image from public domain licenseMosque of Sultan Hassan Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseTemple Of Edfou (Edfu) illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseBazaar of the silk mercers, Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseDendera is one of the latest Egyptian temples illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public… Image from public domain licenseEntrance to the tombs of the kings of Thebes illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public… Image from public domain licenseMosque The Mooristan Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseFigure large as life illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823) from Plates… Image from public domain licenseKarnac (Karnak) illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by… Image from public domain licenseBullack Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by… Image from public domain licenseKom Ombo is an agricultural town in Egypt illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public… Image from public domain licenseTemple of Amada of Hassaya in Nubia illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseGrand entrance to the Mosque of the Sultan Hassan illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York… Image from public domain licenseGoddess Anouke & Ramses II from Histoire de l'art égyptien (1878) by émile Prisse d'Avennes. Original from The New York… Image from public domain licenseThe coffee shop illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by… Image from public domain licenseView from under the portico of Temple of Edfou in upper Egypt illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The… Image from public domain licenseStatues of Memnon at Thebes during the inundation illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York… Image from public domain licensePortico of the Temple of Edfou Upper Egypt illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public… Image from public domain licenseKom Ombo llustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseThe entrance to the Citadel of Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseModern mansion showing the arabesque architecture of Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New… Image from public domain licenseStreet scene in Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseProcession of Egyptian illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823) from Plates… Image from public domain licenseExcavated temples of Aboosimble (Abu Sunbul) Nubia illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York… Image from public domain licenseTemple of Egyptian illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced… Image from public domain licenseBazaar of the coppersmiths Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseKarnac (Karnak) illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by… Image from public domain licenseGeneral View of the Ruin of Carnak illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823) from… Image from public domain licenseView from under the portico of the Temple of Dendera (Dandara) illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The… Image from public domain licenseGrand approach to the Temple of Philae Nubia illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public… Image from public domain licenseTemple of Taffeh illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by… Image from public domain licenseGate of Victory (Bab an Nasr) and Mosque of El Hakim illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York… Image from public domain licenseMinarets and grand entrance of the Metwaleys at Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York… Image from public domain licenseDeir el Medina (Dayr al Madinah) is an ancient Egyptian village which was home to the artisans who worked on the tombs in… Image from public domain licenseSitting figure illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823) from Plates illustrative… Image from public domain licenseEntrance of the temple at Luxor showing one of two colossal stature of Rameses II illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864).… Image from public domain licensePlate 14 : Group from the interior of the northern Temple of Ybsambul illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by… Image from public domain licenseTombs of the Khalifs (Caliphs) Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseProcession of Ethiopians illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823) from Plates… Image from public domain licenseSection of the great Tomb of Psammuthis illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823)… Image from public domain licenseOne of the tombs of the caliphs Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseInterior of the Temple at Ybsambul illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778-1823) from… Image from public domain licensePompey's Pillar Alexandria illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseRuins of Karnack Temple illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseTemple of Dandour (Dendur) Nubia illustration by David Roberts (1796–1864). Original from The New York Public Library.… Image from public domain licenseExterior view of the two temples at Ybsambul illustration from the kings tombs in Thebes by Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778… Image from public domain license